The flies

In truth they should be called lures. The only exception is the maggot 'fly' which, as it's name suggests, represents an insect that will eventually become a fly. These patterns represent small fish, crustaceans and other marine life



This first group have long since passed the late Dick Walker's test, "No fly pattern should be published until it has taken 50 fish."

Gold Ribbed Crab's Ear
A baitfish imitation. This is an early-to-mid summer fly - It's not easy to tie or to fish in the larger sizes that would be needed at other times of the year.

Lefty's Wossname / The Seaducer
These are great general purpose lures. They are particularly suitable for imitating small baitfish where there is a current or some wave. The movement imparted by the water brings the fly to life.

A sheepskin pattern that imitates larger fry.

The Huge Falkus
A tandem lure based on one of the late Hugh Falkus' great seatrout patterns.

Supertough Fry
Try this on an early summer dawn, or even at mid-day if it's quiet. This is the lure to use when there are millions of small fry trapped in the shallows.

Shaldon Shiner
A long established pattern, a little fragile but well worth trying when the Supertough Fry is refused.


Derek Moody